How to Relax Before a Job Interview

Job interviews don't have to be terrible experiences.

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Interview anxiety is very common, even if you know you are well-qualified for a job. Meeting strangers in a position of authority; talking about yourself; being evaluated and judged on your appearance, demeanor, and ability to sell yourself—these are all valid for nerves and stress. However, there are strategies you can use to help alleviate anxiety before and during an interview.

Why You Get Nervous Before an Interview

Job interviews are intimidating and feeling nervous is understandable. Interviews can mean meeting new people, having to talk about yourself, and feeling like an impostor who isn't qualified for the job. Pressure to improve or change your employment situation, whether because of dissatisfaction or for financial reasons, can add another layer of anxiety and stress.

Anxiety can affect a job interview by causing distracting and uncomfortable physical sensations such as a racing heartbeat or sweating. Anxiety and nervousness may also make it difficult for you to answer questions thoughtfully. Preparing in advance and taking steps to manage your anxiety can help combat these feelings in the moment.

How to Relax Before an Interview

In the days and hours leading up to an interview, taking proactive steps to prepare yourself will help you manage interview anxiety. While it may be difficult to achieve a true state of calm, you will feel more confident if you are making an effort to cope with your anxious feelings.

Practice Self-Care

Taking care of your body can go a long way toward alleviating nervous energy and helping you feel more calm. Avoid caffeine, get enough sleep and exercise regularly. Keeping yourself in good health is paramount when facing potentially stressful situations.

Visualize Success

Find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed, close your eyes, and visualize yourself being successful in your interview. While it may seem silly, visualizing success is more than just positive thinking. When done correctly, it prepares your brain to behave in a certain way. This technique is used by elite athletes before competitions to improve performance.

In the future, virtual reality may provide tools to help you prepare for an interview. A small study investigated the effectiveness of using virtual reality (VR) to improve job interview skills, reduce fears, and increase confidence about job interviews. The results showed the VR program decreased anxiety. Features such as ongoing feedback and being able to review a transcript of the interview were cited as helpful. 

Do Your Research

Research is a good stress reliever. Before the interview, learn as much as you can about the potential employer and prepare answers to common interview questions. Every bit of preparation you do will help to increase your comfort level and make you feel more confident during the interview.

Remove stressors

Reducing stressors unrelated to your actual performance in the interview, such as uncomfortable clothing, getting lost, or showing up late, is helpful for calming nerves as well. Choose a flattering and comfortable outfit in advance. If you aren't familiar with the location of the interview, give yourself plenty of time to find it or do a trial run a day or two before. Make sure to factor in traffic conditions at the time you'll be traveling and find a place to park beforehand if needed.

If your interview will be over a video platform, make sure you have installed any apps you'll need. Test out tech like your webcam, microphone, and headphones in advance to confirm everything is in working order.

Be Prepared

A well-prepared interviewee has an immediate advantage in an interview. Feeling prepared will also build confidence and reduce anxiety. Bring everything you might need for an in-person interview, including:

  • Resume
  • Cover letter
  • Business cards
  • References
  • Licenses
  • Certifications
  • Pen and notepad

How to Stay Calm During an Interview

No matter how much you prepare in advance, you will likely still feel nervous during the interview. But this is completely normal. If you feel your anxiety mounting during your discussion with a prospective employer, there are strategies you can employ to calm your nerves.

Don't Succumb to Pressure

Sometimes, you will grilled during an interview so the company can see how you handle stress. In these situations, it may be tempting to spiral into negative automatic thinking, such as "They know I can't handle this job; I should never have applied" or "They don't like me; I'll never get the job."

If you notice yourself doing this, do the best you can to stop. Try to realize what the interviewer is trying to accomplish and don't let them upset you. Remember other candidates were likely treated the same way and being asked tough questions is not a reflection of you or your capabilities.

Ask Questions

Interviews are not just for the potential employer – they are also an opportunity for you to get to know the company. You are deciding whether you want to work for them just as much as they are deciding whether they want you to work for them. Ask questions that show you are curious as to how the organization might fit with your goals and ambitions for your career. See if putting yourself in this mindset changes your focus.

Release Anxious Energy

Anxiety has a way of peeking out even when you think that you have it well-hidden. If you find yourself fidgeting, do something to release anxious energy that will be less noticeable, such as wiggling your toes or doing some subtle progressive muscle relaxation exercises. You might also try a few deep breaths (either before the interview or during the interview when you listening to the interviewer speak).

Accept Your Anxiety – It Helps

Research has found that strategies involving reappraisal and acceptance were more effective than suppression strategies in regulating anxiety during a simulated job interview. This indicates that learning to accept that you will be anxious and reframing it in your mind will be more helpful than trying to ignore the anxiety.

Take Your Time

Remember you don't have to answer questions immediately after the interviewer asks. Pause before answering to collect your thoughts. You can also deflect the question back to the interviewer to make sure you understood it and to give you extra time to compose your reply. And don't be afraid to say something like, "Let me think about that for a moment" before answering.

If you worry about drawing a blank during interviews, take notes as your interviewer speaks. This takes the focus off of you and allows you to refer to your notes after a question is asked. If you draw a blank, continue to take notes and say you want to collect your thoughts before responding.

How to Relax After an Interview

Regardless of how you felt the interview went, congratulate yourself afterward for taking the chance. Avoid ruminating about how the interview went or what could have gone better. Do something you enjoy as a reward, whether it's taking a walk in the park, curling up with a book, or meeting a friend for coffee.

While it's important to take note of what went well and how you could improve, dwelling on negative parts of the interview will only sap your confidence.

When to Get Help

Feeling nervous before and during a job interview is very common. It happens to almost everyone. However, if anxiety is interfering with your ability to get through a job interview or cope with other social interactions, it could be that you require more than self-help. This might mean treatment in the form of anti-anxiety medication and/or therapy. Meet with your doctor to discuss your symptoms and devise a plan based on your situation.

8 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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By Arlin Cuncic, MA
Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of The Anxiety Workbook and founder of the website About Social Anxiety. She has a Master's degree in clinical psychology.